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Puppeteer vs. Doppio, the alternative

Looking for an alternative to Puppeteer? Look no further than Doppio! How does Doppio stack up against Puppeteer? And what's the best API service for generating PDFs or screenshots? Discover the answers to these questions and more.

Are you searching for alternative options to Puppeteer for generating PDFs or taking screenshots from HTML?

Puppeteer is a Node.js library that can help you control Chrome/Chromium using a simple programming interface. You can use Puppeteer to do many things that you would normally do manually in the browser. For example, you can generate screenshots and PDFs of web pages.

Reason #1: Puppeteer is Node.js only.

If you are not coding for the Node.js platform, you cannot use the Puppeteer package. However, with Doppio, you can still benefit from our PDF or image API service without relying on any third-party libraries. This allows for greater flexibility in your choice of programming language. In fact, as long as your language can make an API request, you can leverage the power of Doppio. This means that developers are not limited to a select few programming languages, but can instead choose the language that they are most comfortable with. With Doppio, you are not only able to use our API service, but you are also able to do so using the language that you prefer.

Reason #2: Puppeteer is self managed.

Using Puppeteer on your own can be quite challenging, particularly when it comes to scaling, security, and ensuring compatibility with Docker. When you manage the service yourself, it's important to consider the hidden costs, as your time is valuable. Ultimately, the decision comes down to weighing the time and resources required to create an API request versus building your own PDF/Screenshot system. With Doppio we handle everything for you and it just works, easy peasy.

Reason #3: Maybe counter intuitive, but Doppio is less expensive.

Doppio offers a free tier that is useful for small projects and individuals who don't require many documents. However, if you are looking for more features and a higher limit on the number of documents you can create, the premium plan is a great option. With the premium plan, you can create up to 4000 documents every month, which is perfect for businesses or individuals with high-volume document creation needs.

In addition to the increased document creation limit, the premium plan also offers several other features that are not available in the free tier. For example, you can directly upload your documents to your S3 bucket, which can save you a lot of time and effort. You can also take advantage of async renders with webhooks, which can be a great way to automate your document creation process and make it more efficient.

Overall, if you are serious about document creation and want to take advantage of all the features that Doppio has to offer, the premium plan is definitely worth considering. Not only does it offer a higher limit on document creation, but it also comes with several other features that can make the document creation process much easier, more efficient with less things to code yourself (code = time = money).

Reason #4: Asynchronous workflow.

Doppio is a great choice when it comes to building complex workflows thanks to its async render route. This feature allows you to easily create a reliable system that can handle heavy loads with ease. Our platform can spin up more than a thousand workers in parallel, each one being an isolated environment with 4 CPUs and 8GB of RAM.

This means that Doppio can handle large-scale document creation with ease, making it a great choice for businesses or individuals with high-volume document creation needs. Moreover, the async render route can be a game changer when it comes to automating document creation processes, allowing you to focus on more important tasks while Doppio takes care of the rendering.

With Doppio, you also have the option to take advantage of our premium plan. This plan offers a higher limit on document creation and additional features that can make the document creation process even smoother. For instance, you can directly upload your documents to your S3 bucket, which saves you a lot of time and effort. You can also take advantage of async renders with webhooks, making your document creation process even more efficient.

In summary, if you're looking for a platform that can handle large-scale document creation with ease, Doppio is definitely worth considering. Its async render route and premium plan features make it a reliable and efficient choice for businesses or individuals looking to streamline their document creation process.

Learn more about Doppio at, or contact us via chat or support email.

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