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Commons body params

All render methods share three body properties: doppio, launch and page. Let's look at each of them:

☝️ Keep in mind, most parameters are optional.

About params

The parameters we expose are modeled from Puppeteer API.


  "doppio": {
    "presignedUrl": "string",
    "contentDisposition": "inline"

The presignedUrl property defines the URL we will use to upload your document into your S3 bucket. For more information about how it works, please read Upload to your S3 bucket. If not set, the document will be stored temporarily in our own S3 bucket.

The contentDisposition property determines how the uploaded file is presented to the user. It can be set to inline (to display the document within the browser) or attachment (to prompt the user to download the file). If this property is not specified, the upload proceeds without setting this header, and will default according to the bucket's default behavior or setting.

When using a custom presigned URL, ensure that your bucket supports setting this header.

☝️ This property can also be used without a presigned URL.

Property details:

Property nameTypeDescription
presignedUrlstringS3 upload URL Optional
contentDispositionstring"inline" or "attachment" Optional


  "launch": {
    "defaultViewport": {
      "width": 0,
      "height": 0,
      "deviceScaleFactor": 0,
      "isMobile": true,
      "hasTouch": true,
      "isLandscape": true

The launch object exposes properties from Puppeteer's BrowserConnectOptions

Properties details:

Property nameTypeDescription
defaultViewportViewportSets the viewport for each page. Optional

defaultViewport properties:
Property nameTypeDefault valueDescription
widthnumber1920The page width in pixels. Optional
heightnumber1080The page height in pixels. Optional
deviceScaleFactornumber1Specify device scale factor. Set value from 1 minimum to maximum 2. See devicePixelRatio for more info. Optional
isMobilebooleanfalseWhether the meta viewport tag is taken into account. Optional
hasTouchbooleanfalseSpecify if the viewport supports touch events. Optional
isLandscapebooleanfalseSpecify if the viewport is in landscape mode. Optional


Most of the properties are optional 😌

  "page": {
    "goto": {
      "url": "",
      "options": {
        "waitUntil": ["load"],
        "referer": ""
    "setContent": {
      "html": "PHA+ZG9wcGlvLnNoPC9wPg==",
      "options": {
        "waitUntil": ["networkidle2"]
    "setJavaScriptEnabled": true,
    "emulateMediaType": "print",
    "setExtraHTTPHeaders": {},
    "authenticate": {
      "username": "thisisausername",
      "password": "thisisapassword"
    "setCookies": [],
    "setUserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 13_4) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/16.5 Safari/605.1.15",
    "setLocalStorageItems": [],
    "waitForFunction": {
      "pageFunction": "window.innerWidth < 100",
      "options": {
        "polling": "mutation",
        "timeout": 1000
    "waitForSelector": {
      "selector": ".img",
      "options": {
        "hidden": true,
        "timeout": 1000,
        "visible": false,
    "pdf": { ... },
    "screenshot": { ... },

The page property defines the page your want to render, how to access it and other render options. Some properties varies depending on whether you want to render a PDF or a screenshot.

Property nameTypeDescription
gotoGotoYour document URL source, if available online.
setContentSetContentYour document HTML content source in base64, if not.
setJavaScriptEnabledbooleanWhether or not to enable JavaScript on the source page. Enabled by default. optional
setUserAgentstringSets a custom User-Agent header. optional
emulateMediaTypestringChanges the CSS media type of the page. The only allowed values are screen, print and null. Passing null disables CSS media emulation. optional
setExtraHTTPHeadersRecord<string, string>An object containing additional HTTP headers to be sent with every request. All header values must be strings. optional
authenticateCredentialsProvides credentials for HTTP authentication. optional
setCookiesarray of Network.CookieParamCookies list. Format follows Protocol.Network.CookieParam without experimental features. optional
setLocalStorageItemsarray of { key: string, value: string }This is Doppio specific. optional
waitForFunctionwaitForFunctionParametersWaits for a function to finish evaluating in the page's context. optional
waitForSelectorwaitForSelectorParametersWait for the selector to appear in page. optional
pdfPDFOptionsOptions to configure PDF generation. Only available for PDF render. optional
screenshotScreenshotOptionsOptions to configure screenshot generation. Only available for screenshot render. optional


goTo and setContent properties can't be use at the same time. They are mutually exclusive. At least one of them must be set.


All HTTP header names are lowercased (HTTP headers are case-insensitive, so this shouldn’t impact your server code).


page.setExtraHTTPHeaders does not guarantee the order of headers in the outgoing requests.


goto properties:

Property nameTypeDescription
urlstringURL to navigate the page to. The URL should include the scheme, e.g. https://
optionsGotoOptionsNavigation Parameter. optional

setContent properties:

Property nameTypeDescription
htmlstringYour page HTML encoded as base64
optionsSetContentOptionsNavigation Parameter. optional

GotoOptions properties:

Exposes some properties of Puppeteer's page.goTo method options.

Property nameTypeDescription
waitUntilarray of stringsWait for puppeteer life cycle events. Possible values are load, domcontentloaded, networkidle0 and networkidle2. optional
refererstringThe referer. Will override the one set in setExtraHTTPHeaders. optional

SetContentOptions properties:

Exposes some properties of Puppeteer's page.goTo method options.

Property nameTypeDescription
waitUntilarray of stringsWait for puppeteer life cycle events. Possible values are load, domcontentloaded, networkidle0 and networkidle2. optional

authenticate properties:

Credentials to pass to Puppeteer's page.authenticate method.

Property nameTypeDescription
usernamestringUser name credential.
passwordstringPassword credential.

waitForFunction properties:

Exposes some properties of Puppeteer's page.waitForFunction method waitForFunction.

Property nameTypeDescription
pageFunctionstringFunction to be evaluated in browser context

⚠ watch out, waitForFunction can cause error/timeout (common case : waiting for a condition that will never be true)

waitForSelector properties:

Exposes some properties of Puppeteer's page.waitForSelector method waitForSelector.

Property nameTypeDescription
selectorstringA selector of an element to wait for

⚠ watch out, waitForSelector can cause error/timeout (common case : waiting for a condition that will never be true)

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